Research conducted by myself and members of the Animal Behavior & Cognition Lab has been featured in over 1,200 news articles, radio shows, and podcasts. Press releases are organized by research project.
Research on Cat Rapid Facial Mimicry (2025)
Research on Cat Facial Signaling (2023)
Animal Behavior Minor & Class Interviews
I am one of the psychology faculty involved with the establishment of Lyon College's Animal Behavior Minor. My courses and research lab members have been featured in multiple press releases (below).
Other Interviews
These interviews cover a range of topics related to teaching, research, and career exploration.
Get Connected Today
Would you like to showcase our research in an article, podcast, video or any other media platform? Reach out to Dr. Britt Florkiewicz directly at [email protected]. We are always delighted to share pre-prints of articles, photographs, video clips, audio recordings, and more. Using email for correspondence is recommended due to busy teaching and work schedules. However, we can work together to schedule phone and video calls!